This application is now closed. If you are interested in registering your child for the waitlist, please email us


Important Dates:

  • Saturday, April 6: Application Submission Deadline
  • Saturday, April 20: Families notified of application status

We will have three summer programs. Find more about other programs here: 

Schedule: Monday - Friday, June 10 - July 12 from 9:00am - 3:00pm *There will be no class Friday, July 5, 2024 

ʻO ka makamae a mālama ʻia
The Precious and Protected

Imagine you are a great winged creature soaring above our island of Hawaiʻi, of lands untouched by humans. Stretches of barren lava, dark oceans of aʻa and pahoehoe for as far as the eyes can see. In the distance, islands of ancient forests emerge as olivine gems, an oasis, a kipuka.

In this five week program, young artists ages 6-12 years old will explore various ideas of kipuka through the lens of self, ohana, our island community, and global awareness. Through interdisciplinary art practices, mixing drawing, painting, fiber arts, malama ʻāina, sculpture, music, movement inspired by stories rooted in place, young artists will learn from nature and imagine their own sense of kipuka. What can we learn by acknowledging and immersing ourselves in these protected places we call kipuka?

This program will culminate with a Young Artist Exhibition, curated by Mina Elison, featuring original works from the summer program. An artist reception, awards ceremony and presentation will be held for families on Friday, July 12 from 12:30 - 3:00pm.

About the Teaching Artist
Angaea Cuna is inspired by the language between human and nature. She creates platforms for communication and exploration of landscape+culture through immersive installations, narrative-based artworks, and creative writing. She founded Gaea Bound, a bookbinding studio based on Big Island, and is currently a teaching artist for the Donkey Mill Art Center focusing on Youth and Fiber Arts education. 

More Events

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Intro to Metalsmithing: Module II

with Theresa Lovering-Brown
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Ceramics Open Studio Schedule: February

Intro to Mokuhanga

Intro to Mokuhanga

with Micha Croft