
Download a PDF of the May schedule HERE

Open Studio is an opportunity to continue learning at your own pace, using specialized equipment and tools available at the Donkey Mill.

To participate in Open Studio at the Donkey Mill you must: 

  1. Have a current Donkey Mill membership and be in good standing;
  2. Have attended a full 8-10 week ceramics class at the Donkey Mill in the last two years and be 18 years or older; 
  3. Register in advance for open studio time either online or at the front desk;
  4. Because instruction is not offered during Open Studio hours, you must be self-sufficient, independent, and have experience appropriate to your activity;
  5. Follow studio etiquette and abide by updated studio policies. 

*The Mill Offices & Studios will be closed from May 12 - June 4 for some Spring cleaning

  • MAY 1-11: Tuesdays - Saturdays: 10:00am - 2:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:30pm
  • Additional evening sessions may be available on Tuesdays from 5:30pm - 8:30pm


  • Log-in to your Donkey Mill account. Your membership must be current in order to complete the registration. 
  • If you have passes already, please email with your desired day and we will reserve it for you. We will verify that you have taken a class and your membership is current at this time. The phone is not checked as often as the email is, so please email us. 
  • We are allowing 15 open studio participants in the studio per session. You can come and go during your session.
  • We encourage you to bring your own tools as community tools aren't always available.

More Events

Intro to Metalsmithing: Module II

Intro to Metalsmithing: Module II

with Theresa Lovering-Brown
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Ceramics Open Studio Schedule: February

Intro to Mokuhanga

Intro to Mokuhanga

with Micha Croft